A podcast on Cryptids, Conspiracies, and the Unknown.
Podcasting since 2019 • 134 episodes
Latest Episodes
Barney and Betty Hill UFO Incident
On this episode of Mothboys, The boys celebrate six years of being a podcast by discussing the Barney and Betty Hill incident, quite possibly one of the most popular alien abduction tales of all time. We also make excessive amounts of callbacks...
Season 5
Episode 3

North Shore Monster
On this episode of Mothboys, The boys embrace Mormon culture and discuss dirty soda, Bigfoot, and the NORTH SHORE MONSTER, a large crocodile, horse, bat like creature that calls the Great Salt Lake home. This episode is so good, that critics ar...
Season 5
Episode 2

The Pangboche Hand
On the season 5 premiere of Mothboys, The boys catch up after a long hiatus and present the insane tale of The Pangboche Hand. This story has everything from Yeti's to famous actors, and is truly one you CAN NOT miss.Mothboys is sponsor...
Season 5
Episode 1

The Crazy Critter Of Bald Mountain & The Bremerton Monstrosity
On this episode of Mothboys, The boys celebrate Christmas, when they chat about the creepy Bremerton Monstrosity and the insanity that is the Crazy Critter Of Bald Mountain. Also lots of solid info about Hallmark Christmas Movie Hunks, Insuranc...
Season 4
Episode 20

The Ghost And The X-Rated Movie Experiment (Halloween Spooktacular 2024)
On this episode of Mothboys, the boys conclude the 2024 Halloween Spooktacular by discussing the mad scientist who came up with the wild ghost and the X-rated movie experiment. Also we give Mothboy Mike the brother and friend of the year award....
Season 4
Episode 19